Tackling Employee Struggles That Stunt Business Growth
Identifying Hidden Costs Holding back Businesses
Many Costs Are Hidden
75% of Americans with untreated substance use disorder are in the workforce. No workplace is unaffected. In some industries, the rate of substance use disorders among employees reaches a staggering 19%. The costs to employers associated with substance use disorder also come in the form of absenteeism, presenteeism, and turnover cost. Employees with substance use disorder miss two more weeks of work per year due to illness or injury, and they are 40% more likely to switch jobs at least once in a 12-month period.
Helping Employees &
Businesses Be Their Best
As a focused healthcare strategy consultant that works with workforces and other populations to address the increasing negative impact of mental health and substance use disorders as well as gaps in social care, we complement and enhance your existing workforce solutions to decrease healthcare costs over time, increase employee productivity, and improve health outcomes for impacted individuals.